Klára Kusá




(ENG) When I was at AVU admissions a few weeks ago, I had one day to come up with a project on a given topic. Thanks to the proposed topic of “8 billion” I started to think about the ecosystem and the way we treat our planet. I realized it is crucial for me to change environments and work with the place I am a visitor at. Currently, I take photographs and collect various materials I would like to recycle. Later on, I work with this collection of materials and create mind maps that help me to understand the subject I am exploring. Photographic visuals are created parallel to the mind map. The installation in space is always site-specific and it consists of found materials found in situ.

TERRA , TIERRA , TERRITORIUM: a few notes about the project I am working on
YESNO: a term that applies to the world that we live in, a world of paradox, absurdity, where two opposite terms become one. the absurdity becomes a norm.
“Treba sa s tým vyrovnať.” základná premisa teritoriálneho aspektu postpost sveta.

teritórium: aký má význam termín teritórium v kolonizovanom svete, ktorý je z environmentálneho hľadiska zdevastovaný? aký má v dnešnom svete význam vlastniť? má to vôbec význam?

territory: from Latin territorium, literally, land around a town, from terra land

Pomoc pri nástupe do profesionálnej umeleckej praxe, networking, kontakty na relevantných ľudí z brandže, ideálne aj zo zahraničia (mimo CZ/SK)

Extrémny príval energie a nápadov, ktorý sa nikdy nekončí, inovatívny prístup priestorových inštalácií


tohle bude poprvé

workoholismus, poezie, teplá vana, aktivismus

Marcel Duchamp, Tracey Emin, Michel Houellebecq, Forensic Architecture, Karl Marx, Ana Mendieta, Eva Koťátková




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